Tuesday, 14 September 2010

TV Featrures

TV Pixels

TV pictures are all made up of tiny dots called pixels. However when we see the image on a TV screen our brain puts the small dots back together and we see a complete image. The more pixels the image has means that the resolution of the image will be better meaning that the quality of the picture is better.

TV motion

TV is not made up of moving images. It is made up of lots of still images that are played at 25 frames a second in the UK. At this speed images seem to run together smoothly and not jerky. Anything below this would produce jolty movement on screen.

TV screen

TV screens are made up of hundreds of lines that are called scan lines. There are 525 lines on a UK TV. Different countries have different standards of the number of lines per screen and numbers of frames per second. The lines do not go on the screen all at once but in lines.

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